Get to know Anne...
Anne Riviere, the very first Quebec Quarter Horse Association Queen to compete in the Congress Queen Contest. Please read below to get to know Anne prior to her arrival this year at Congress!
1.) Name and Association Representing:
My name is Anne Charlie Riviere and I am proudly representing the Quebec Quarter Horse Association as their first queen (ever)!
2.) Where are you from? Tell us a little about your hometown.
I am from a small town named Pointe-Lebel. It is a beautiful place on the edge of the St. Lawrence River. My family built a stable there and it is my favorite place in the world! I have moved to pursue my studies, but I go as often as I can to visit my parents, my grandparents and my friends.
3.) Why did you choose to compete for the title of 2015 All American Quarter Horse Congress Queen?
I discovered the Congress Queen Contest at my first All American Quarter Horse Congress. I participated in National Youth Activities Team Tournament then as a member of the Quebec Team. I attended the Congress Queen Coronation which is held at the same time as NYATT Awards Ceremony. I remember thinking ''one day I will be a Queen! ''. I read a lot about the Contest's rules, the Queen's mission, the ''Couture for the Cure'' Congress Style Show, and it only reinforced my desire to be a Queen. Many years later, I seized the opportunity when AQQH/QQHA made the announcement that they were looking for their 2015 Queen. It is the first time they are going to be represented at the Congress Queen Contest and I am thrilled to meet this challenge!
4.) Are you currently in school? Employed?
I am currently studying Psychology at Universite Laval in Quebec City, Canada. I am unemployed at the moment, as I want to give full concentration to my studies, especially during finals. During midterm breaks, I volunteer at APIC Cote-Nord, a non-profit organization which aims to help people most in need.
5.) Favorite Horse Memory or Accomplishment?
I have so many great memories related to horses and horse shows that it is hard to choose just one! Winning under all 4 judges in both Open and Amateur divisions in the 3 year old Western Pleasure Futurity, at the AQQH/QQHA show, with my previous mare QUITEABITLAZY, was quite special. I also have to mention that when the new owner/rider of that same mare, Charlie Bussieres, won the Reserve Championship in Youth Horsemanship Level 1 at the Nutrena East Championship Show, and then was named Congress Champion Novice Youth Western Horsemanship 14-18, I could not be more proud and happy for this new team! I am extremely grateful that he and his parents, Josee Arial and Simon Bussieres, are allowing me to team up again with this incredible mare for the Congress Queen Horsemanship this year!