About the Contest

Each Quarter Horse Association may select one queen candidate to represent them at the All American Quarter Horse Congress. The candidate must be (NEW in 2025) 18 to 26 years of age as of January 1 and not be married, divorced, or a parent.  

NOTE AGE CHANGE: Starting 2026 and after, the candidate must be 19 to 26 years of age as of January 1

Judging will be based on the following criteria:

50% Oral Interview

Judged by outstanding people in the field on the candidate's poise, appearance, and personality. Candidates will also be judged for an interview based on an impromptu question and 1-minute introduction at the Welcome Reception. The 1-minute introduction is to be rehearsed and well-prepared by each candidate to introduce themselves to the group and tell about the association that they are representing.

30% Written Test

Knowledge of horses and the breed. All questions will be taken from the current year’s printed AQHA Official Handbook of Rules and Regulations, OQHA and Congress Knowledge.

20% Horsemanship

Judged by a panel of judges. The class will consist of performing a pattern and rail work; balance of the class at judges' discretion to prove superior horsemanship.


All candidates will be given a score in each portion of the contest that will determine the overall results. Top ten medallions will be given out, however, overall results will be based on total points earned not top ten placings.

Additional awards will be presented for Miss Congeniality.