Today is day 146 of my reign as the 2014 All American Quarter Horse Congress Queen. I was honored to be invited to Pennsylvania to the annual Winning Ways Clinic where Michael Colvin gave an outstanding clinic! The PQHA Youth worked hard all day hosting their tack sale. Yesterday, I assisted the youth in setting up for the tack sale and I could not believe all the hard work that the youth and their parents put into the sale! The sale was a huge success and I was proud to see the phenomenal youth that are the future of our industry. The clinic brought in big numbers and I could tell everyone was enjoying themselves. I spent the morning greeting guests at the door and giving each attendee a ticket for the numerous random drawings throughout the day. During the clinic breaks, I was invited to the arena floor to draw the lucky winners and present them with their gifts! Throughout the day I was also able to watch a few of the PQHA youth riders in the clinic. I was impressed with how much the youth and audience learned and I was honored to meet Michael Colvin. I also had the privilege of meeting a few 4-H groups and aspiring Congress Queens during the clinic! Thank you PQHA for allowing me to be a part of your event!