Today I am 33 days into my reign as the 2014 All American Quarter Horse Congress Queen. Since returning home from the Rough Rider’s 4-H banquet, I have been running around preparing for my Hometown Christmas Parade. I am so grateful that my local Sports N Sports was able to make me such a nice banner in a matter of a couple of days. The last time I was in my hometown Christmas Parade was in 2nd grade when I walked with my ballet class. It was so exciting to be a part of the Christmas Parade in my hometown, where I have lived my entire life. Even though the parade took place before Thanksgiving, everyone was already in the Christmas spirit! Appropriately for Northeast Ohio, there was already about a foot of snow on the ground and the temperature was 18 degrees at the start of the parade. This did not hurt the turn out for this great event. Even the youngest of children bundled up and stood on the streets to watch the parade! While I was waiting in the parade line up, I got to talk to many people about the Congress and my role as the Congress Queen. Despite the freezing temperatures, it was truly a thrill to be back home as the Congress Queen. The children were ecstatic as I went through the parade line up. The excitement kept my adrenaline going and I was able to stay warm, except for my hands. Luckily, I took a few pairs of gloves and I alternated them throughout the parade. My mom would keep the other pairs in front of the heater inside the truck. I cannot end this post without thanking my parents for helping me in building a structure for the back of the truck to display my banner and for assisting me in decorating! A special thank you to my dad for driving his brand new Coughlin Automotive truck in the parade and my mom for taking pictures and videoing the event!