The start of the All American Youth Horse Show marks 207 days into my reign as the 2014 All American Quarter Horse Congress Queen. All the appearances I have made as Congress Queen are special for different reasons and the Youth Show is no exception. I showed at my first Youth Show in 1997, in fact, it was the first time I entered the show pen with my new partner, Pro Circuit. This year, Pro Circuit gets to stay at home and enjoy the retired life as I make the trip to Columbus to present the beautiful Youth Show ribbons. The Youth Show is always a very exciting show for all the youth in attendance and I was honored to be there to present awards. Over the course of the weekend, I met so many fabulous youth, from the walk-trot exhibitors to those embracing their last year of youth show eligibility.
Throughout the weekend, I got the chance to visit with some great vendors that sponsor the Congress Queen Contest. I also enjoyed visiting with Kay Tracy with the Tough Enough to Wear Pink Horse Show. Between visiting with vendors, I was making trips back to the Coliseum to present awards. I was even lucky enough to have some walk-trot exhibitors ask if they could help me in presenting awards. I was thrilled to have them help and they did a great job! It was a great chance to get to know them and hear about their horses! On Saturday, I was joined by the Northern Ohio Queen, Miss Tyler Weigel, and the OMI Queen, Miss Chelsea Bollenbacher. It was great to meet both of them!
As always, the Youth Show consisted of a few late nights which ended with the championship classes. If an exhibitor is 1st or 2nd in their age group class, they have the option to compete in the all age championship class. This is always a very exciting class. The champion and reserve in the class receive neck ribbons and the youth love them. In one of the championship classes, a small pony won the class. I did not think I would be able to put the neck ribbon on, but luckily I looped the ribbon around the pony’s neck twice and it fit perfectly! Attending the Youth Show definitely brought back some great childhood memories. It was always exciting to me as a youth when a queen was at the Youth Show to present awards and I was thrilled to be there as the Congress Queen. A huge thank you to the entire Youth Show staff for making me feel at home!